50th Anniversary Days of Service in June; Sign-Up Today

There are many more exciting 50th Anniversary celebrations taking place across our Catholic Diocese of Memphis at the end of this month and in the months ahead, such as the Days of Service in June. Catholic Charities of West Tennessee will lead four wonderful Days of Service across our four Deaneries. Please see the June dates, location and time below and sign-up today at: CCWTNDaysofService. Also, please view the following video link from Bishop Talley and CCWTN Executive Director Kelley Henderson on the Days of Service: BishopTalleyDaysofService.

  • June 5, St. Louis, 1-3pm (Central Deanery)
  • June 6, Holy Angels-Dyersburg, 3-5pm (Northern Deanery)
  • June 12, St. Augustine, 10am-12pm (Western Deanery)
  • June 13, St. Mary-Jackson, 3-5pm (South Eastern Deanery)

There is something for everyone to participate in our 50th Anniversary Days of Service, which will be focused on serving together to support our neighbors struggling with food insecurity, homelessness and literacy gaps. Join our Memphis Diocese and CCWTN in one or more of the family friendly Days of Service events to pack snack baags, hygiene kits and literacy kits to be distributed locally in areas most in need across West Tennessee. All safety requirements be followed at each location. Please share this information on our Days of Service as the best disciples. Stay safe. God is great!

Note: Please share the CCWTN’s Days of Service Flyer links in English and Spanish. Thank you!




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