This office includes, but is not limited to, the following departments:
Anniversary Mass Pics
Our mission is to assist parishes and families throughout the Diocese of Memphis to recognize, honor, integrate, serve, and build up the Domestic Church by offering programs and services that center on the many forms and stages of family life from conception to natural death.
For additional information, please call anyone of the contacts listed on this page. You are welcome to email: and she will direct you to the appropriate individual.
Director of Evangelization and Faith Formation, Sam Mauck 901-373-1256
Associate Director of Catechetical and Sacramental Formation, Deacon Jeff Drzycimski 901-373-1222
Associate Director of Pastoral Ministries, Deacon Rick Martin 901-373-1250
Associate Director of Youth Ministries, Rebecca Talarico 901-373-1253
Associate Director of Prison Ministries, open
Administrative Assistant, Sharon Kowalke, 901-373-1234
Let’s Get Married – Where do we start?
On behalf of the Catholic Diocese of Memphis, we congratulate you on this most joyous occasion of your engagement to be married. It is an honor for us to join your journey of faith as you begin the process of marriage preparation. May God bless you as you prepare to enter into the Sacrament of Matrimony.
The marriage preparation process is a multi-phased and collaborative effort under the direction of our local parish communities and the diocesan Office of Family Ministries. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Deacon Jeff Drzycimski, Director of Catechetical & Sacramental Formation, at (901) 373-1222, or email Deacon Jeff at
Diocesan guidelines for the Sacrament of Matrimony:
Step One: Six (6) months to a year before your wedding date, contact your parish priest. You can expect to meet with the priest or deacon several times to complete and go over the Pre-Nuptial Marriage Investigation; take the Foccus survey; go over results of the survey; and to plan the liturgy for your wedding day. If you have a former marriage you will need to receive a Declaration of Invalidity before a wedding date can be scheduled.
Step Two: Register for a marriage preparation class. This class is designed as a tool to help you and your fiancé prepare for a lifetime marriage.
Diocese of Memphis Marriage Prep
Option 1: The marriage preparation course can be accessed at the Catholic Marriage Prep link located in this paragraph. We have used this course for the last few years and it is excellent. The cost is $239 you can register by going to this link: The cost is higher if you need an accelerated timeline, so register as soon as possible.
Option 2:
Catholic Diocese of Memphis – Marriage Preparation Workshop
“To Be One in Flesh”
February 7 – 9, 2025
Our Lady Queen of Peace Retreat Center – this weekend event has been cancelled.
The One in Flesh workshop satisfies part of the diocesan requirement for Marriage Prep. Please check with the priest or deacon who is preparing you for Marriage to see what else is required.
The upcoming dates for the One In Flesh One Day program are:
April 12, 2025 at St. Benedict At Auburndale Catholic High School (SBA)
Registration link: One In Flesh Registration April 12
and the next one day workshop is: September 27, 2025. Click on the blue link to register.
Option 3: Marriage prep can always be provided by the priest or deacon who is presiding at your wedding, or by a diocesan-approved marriage prep program at your local parish. Check with your pastor.
Step Three: Register online for Natural Family Planning Class series (NFP). Natural Family Planning is an all-natural method, scientifically based on the woman’s patterns of fertility and infertility. It promotes romance, respect and communication between husband and wife. It can deepen the intimacy between you and your spouse, strengthen your relationship and give you peace.
We encourage you to review the online options listed here and choose which works best for you.
NFP Basics is available through the website.
Natural Family Planning Course – The Marriage Group
It is best for engaged couples to attend the classes at least six months before their wedding.
Married couples throughout the Diocese are invited to join in the Anniversary Celebration Mass.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church
August 3, 2024 at the 4:30 p.m. Vigil Mass.
Although registration is no longer available, all are welcome to join in this special Mass.
There will be a light reception. following the Mass.
If you have any questions about this event, please contact Sharon Kowalke, in the Evangelization and Faith Formation Office, at 901-373-1234.
The Diocesan Bereavement Ministry is designed to be a source of education, resources, and support for parishes and caregivers in their ministry to the bereaved so that those grieving a loss through death may experience the healing comfort of God in their faith community.
It focuses on reaffirming that all are welcome into Catholic Church, and it is a safe space to be surrounded by a faith community without fear of judgment or condemnation. We want to bring people close to Christ so that Christ can do the rest of the work.
We affirm Pope Francis’ words, “In Buenos Aires I used to receive letters from homosexual persons who are ‘socially wounded’ because they tell me they feel like the Church has always condemned them. But the Church does not want to do this. During the return flight from Rio de Janeiro I said that if a person is of good will and is in search of God, I am no one to judge. By saying this, I said what the catechism says. Religion has the right to express its opinion in the service of the people, but God in creation has set us free: it is not possible to interfere spiritually in the life of a person. A person once asked me, in a provocative manner, if I approved of homosexuality. I replied with another question: ‘Tell me: when God looks at a gay person, does He endorse the existence of this person with love, or reject and condemn this person?’ We must always consider the person. Here we enter into the mystery of the human being. In life, God accompanies persons, and we must accompany them, starting from their situation. It is necessary to accompany them with mercy. When this happens, the Holy Spirit inspires the priest to say the right thing.” †
We see so many who have been wounded by the Church and yet, through the 14 years we have been in existence, we see even more returning! We are succeeding in following Pope Francis’ words and giving a Church home to those who had given up on having a Church family. We see them developing a relationship with Christ and becoming active in the Church alongside their fellow parishoners.
†Spadero, A. (2013, September 30). A Big Heart Open to God: And Interview with Pope Francis. America: The Jesuit Review.
For more information, please contact Beth Trouy at: or 901-496-9413.
“These men and women testify to the power of grace, the nobility and resilience of the human heart.” — Cardinal Robert Sarah
Courage members are men and women who experience same-sex attractions and who have made a commitment to strive for chastity. They are inspired by the Gospel call to holiness and the Catholic Church’s beautiful teachings about the goodness and inherent purpose of human sexuality.
Through our apostolate, people who experience same-sex attraction receive pastoral support in the form of spiritual guidance, community prayer support, and fellowship.
The Five Goals were created by the members themselves, when Courage was founded. The goals are read at the start of each meeting and each member is called to practice them in daily life. Here are the Goals in their entirety:
Courage Chapter: Memphis, Tennessee
Contact: Chaplain Fr. Mike Werkhoven
The Courage Chaplain is the moderator of our local Diocesan chapter and is the point of contact among all the members, between the chapter and the diocese, and between the diocese and the National Courage Office. The chaplain moderates all meetings on a monthly basis.
All potential Courage members must meet individually with the chaplain after expressing to him their interest in joining the Courage chapter. The purpose of this initial interview is to ensure that the potential member understands the Five Goals of the apostolate and that they are prepared to strive to keep them.
To protect the privacy of all Courage members, some of whom have not revealed to others or to loved ones that they are experiencing same-sex attractions; the day, time, and location of chapter meetings are kept confidential. Please contact the chaplain by e-mail and he will share the meeting information with all Courage members.
Courage members are those committed to living out the Goals of this apostolate, namely: striving to live chaste lives, developing a life of prayer, supporting one another through shared experiences, friendship and good example. Membership in a chapter is open to men and women who are 18 years or older. Courage is an apostolate of the Catholic Church and it includes Catholic prayers, the opportunities to celebrate Catholic Mass, and encourages frequent reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation; but membership is open to all persons, from any denomination.
EnCourage is an apostolate which provides pastoral care for families and friends of people who experience same-sex attractions and/or gender dysphoria. In many cases, their loved ones have adopted the LGBTQ label, and may have moved away from actively practicing their faith.
Through our chapters and national online support, our members receive help and encouragement to understand the experience of their loved ones more deeply, to foster healthy relationships within their families, and to deepen their own relationship with Christ.
The apostolate was first formed in 1987 by families in search of guidance and understanding for supporting their loved ones who experience same-sex attraction. In 1992, this group adopted the name EnCourage, and now includes more than 75 chapters worldwide including one here in the Diocese of Memphis.
Courage Chapter: Memphis, Tennessee
Contact: Chaplain: Fr. Mike Werkhoven
Please click on the attachments for details on the following topics: Advance Care Planning Form, Making More Decisions and Planning a Catholic Funeral.
Making Moral Decisions booklet
Prayers for the End of Life (for renewed strength, for the sick, for the elderly, for those about to die, intercessions.)
Ethical and Religious Directives
Ministry for people with special needs and disabilities
Mission of the Diocesan Committee: To assist the Christian Community in the pastoral care, service and justice dimensions of our faith for people with disabilities. This committee is available to provide resources to assist with special needs requests.
St. Michael’s Catholic Church offers programs for this ministry. Please contact Gwen Coffey for details:
For more resources & information about disability and special needs, go to:
This ministry embraces love for others, as its fundamental concept along with our Lord’s concern for the sick & lonely.
MTS Training – October 19, 2024
New Minister to the Sick Training will be offered on Saturday, October 19th from 1:30 to 3:30pm at the Church of the Resurrection. This training is designed to provide you with the basic tools that will be helpful in this ministry. As a trained minister, you bring compassion, communion and become the sacramental presence of Christ for those who are sick or homebound.
Candidates are required to ask their pastor for permission to attend the class. Once you complete registration, your pastor will be sent an email to approve.
No registrations are accepted on the day of the training.
Training space is limited.
There is a nominal $5.00 fee for the book.
Here’s the link MTS Registration Oct 2024
Note: Diocesan Eucharistic Minister Training will be held at 11:00am on the same day at the Church of the Resurrection. These events are being held on the same day so you can be fully prepared to be a Minister to the Sick at your parish.
Church of the Resurrection is located at 5475 Newberry Avenue in Memphis. Contact Sharon Kowalke with questions at: 901-373-1234.
After hours emergency response team (AHERT)
Was developed to respond to the pastoral needs of hospitalized Catholic patients in a timely manner after normal office hours/weekends and holidays. The team consists of Deacons and experienced Lay Ministers, to respond to emergency calls from area hospitals after office hours, on weekends and holidays.
The newly formed Sanctity of Life committee started meeting in 2023. Deacon Rick Martin is the Diocesan liaison. Please contact the Pastoral Services department by calling 901-373-1234 for more information, for assistance or to join this vital committee that meets monthly.
Their mission statement is: “Affirming that all human beings are created in the image and likeness of God, our mission is to protect and advance the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death throughout the Catholic Diocese of Memphis.”
Pregnant and Need Help? A friend is waiting.
If you are pregnant and need help, you can phone a friend (at Birthright) by calling 800-550-4900 – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. All services are free and confidential.
If you are in the Memphis metro area, you may call 901-327-8109.0
The Office of Youth Ministry exists to support our youth, to train leaders, and to offer resources to use in sharing the Good News with the next generation of Catholics. If you have questions about youth ministry or youth programs, please contact Rebecca Talarico at
SEARCH Spiritual Director
Rev. Michael Werkhoven (901) 853-7468
SEARCH is a wonderful weekend experience in Christian living. It is designed to help young Christians develop and grow their relationship with God and others. These goals are reached in small groups, films, prayer and many more experiences. The great about SEARCH is that it is a program for youth that is made possible by youth leaders who help make the weekend happen. It provides a unique opportunity for young people to come to know God as God works through the words, actions and lives of their peers. Each SEARCH participant is able to gain a greater understanding of the meaning of Christianity in his/her own life and in the world through the thoughts of others their own age who have already begun to find insight and meaning.
The incredible thing about SEARCH is that it is a program FOR youth that is made possible BY the youth leaders who help make the weekend happen. It provides a unique opportunity for young people to come to know God as God works through the words, actions and lives of their peers. In this way, each SEARCHer is able to gain a greater understanding of the meaning of Christianity in his/her own life and in the world through the thoughts of others their own age who have already begun to find insights and meanings.
Finally, it is important to understand that the SEARCH weekend is not an end in itself, but rather it is the beginning of a life-long journey of love and relationship with Jesus Christ.
SEARCH Retreat Schedule:
January 3 – 5, 2025 complete
March 21 – 23, 2025 Here is the link: SEARCH Mar 21-23 Registration
Quest Retreat (9th and 10th Grade)
QUEST is designed to meet young freshmen and sophomores where they are and lift them to a greater realization of their own self-worth and a deeper awareness of “the others” in their lives- both God and people. It centers around a three “circles of love” theme, calling the young person to reflection and insight upon love of self, love of neighbor, and love of God. This is accomplished through a series of shared activities, group exercises, talks, discussions, and Sacraments.
QUEST retreats for 2024 – 2025:
The retreat will be held at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Jackson, TN. 1665 Highway 45 By-Pass
The retreat starts at 7:00pm on Friday and ends after the closing Mass at 9:00pm on Saturday.
If you have questions, please email: or
Spring Quest dates: February 21 – 22, 2025 Register at:
Quest Registration February 2025
VOYAGE – a Weekend Retreat for 7th and 8th Graders.
VOYAGE is designed to allow young Catholic Christians (7th and 8th graders) to develop a better understanding of themselves through their gifts and talents and increase their self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence. Furthermore, VOYAGE tries to foster in each young person their gifts and talents and encourage them to set sail and put these gifts and talents to work for God and His holy people. Voyage is unique and is to be experienced only once!
VOYAGE dates:
November 15 – 17, 2024 – This retreat is full.
January 31 – February 2, 2025
Registration link:
VOYAGE Jan. 2025
Cost is $75.00
Contact your parish youth minister or email: with questions.
Youth Trips Complete Medical Waiver
Associate Director of Catholic Campus (Rhodes) and Young Adult Ministry
Corey Kieffer 901-323-3051
Associate Director of Catholic Campus – UofM
Rebekah Zachary 901-323-3051
Campus Minister – UT Martin
Deacon Rodney Freed 731-587-9777
The Office of Catholic Campus Ministry provides a Catholic presence and ministry to the students, faculty and staff at the University of Memphis, Rhodes College, and the University of Tennessee-Martin.
Campus Ministry represents the Diocese of Memphis to the colleges and universities located within the diocese. Through campus ministry we seek to evangelize the academic community by means of a broad ministry which forms the faith community, appropriates the faith, forms Christian conscience, educates for justice, facilitates personal development, and develops leaders for the future.
Empowering students and faculty to live for the person of Jesus Christ and to engage the Gospel as the heart of the college experience in the academic community.
Please see our website for details Catholic Campus Ministry – Memphis, TN (
iTHIRST Ministry: A Mission of the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity
The iTHIRST Initiative is an addiction and recovery ministry of the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity (Trinity Missions).
The iTHIRST Spiritual Companion Ministry: