St. Jude Relic Finds New Home at Our Mother Church, The Cathedral

Our Mother Church, The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception is very happy to announce that on Tuesday, June 18, a First-Class Relic of St. Jude Thaddeus the Apostle arrived to The Cathedral. The Relic was provided just in time for The Cathedral’s Wednesday St. Jude Novena tomorrow after Holy Mass in the morning and at …

New Crozier Needed – Please Consider Contributing

Help is needed to replace our Diocesan Good Shepherd Crozier and other Diocesan Liturgical needs like vestments for our Bishops, Priests, and Deacons for special Holy Masses such as the recent Ordination of Fr. Andrew, Fr. Rolando, and Fr. Kacpar. To contribute to these Diocesan needs, please click on the following link:…/bf669774-cd49-458a-8bea….

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