National Celebrate Life Day Eucharistic Holy Hour & Procession: Saturday, June 24, 12:15 pm; St. Michael Catholic Church

All are invited to celebrate Life on June 24, 2023. We witnessed history with the fall of Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022. Now let’s thank God on the One Year Anniversary of this historical Pro-Life victory. Join our Diocese on Saturday, June 24, 12:15pm, at our beautiful St. Michael Catholic Church, 3863 Summer …

Congratulations to our newly ordained Transitional Deacons!

This past Saturday, June 3, Bishop David P. Talley ordained five new Transitional Deacons in our Diocese: Horst Lorenz, Rolando Pérez, Andrew Raffanti, Mateusz Wegrzyn and Kacper Wojcieszko. It was a full, beautiful and joy-filled Deacon Ordination at our Mother Church, The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. Please click here to view the photos. Let’s …

Five Seminarians to be Ordained as Transitional Deacons this Saturday Morning, June 3, 10 am, The Cathedral – All Are Invited

All are invited to “The Ordination of Several Deacons” within our Diocese, this Saturday morning, June 3, 10:00am, at Our Mother Church, The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. Also, take a moment to hear from Bishop David P. Talley about attending the Ordination. Please click here to view the Bishop’s video. The five Seminarians being …

Synod on Synodality: North American Synod Report Released

Last summer, our Diocese’s Synod Report was submitted to U.S. Bishops based on input from our parishes, missions, schools and other groups. As a reminder, the Synod Process is three phases in two years (Oct. 2021-Oct. 2023). Our submission completed Phase One and now Phase Two has been completed, which is the North American Synod …

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