As we begin this New Year, I invite you to reflect on the profound mission entrusted to us as followers of Christ. The words of Jesus to Peter, “Do you love me? Feed my sheep” ~ John 21:17, resonate deeply, reminding us of our call to live out our faith through love, care, and compassion. In responding to this invitation, we not only grow in our relationship with the Lord, but we also participate in His mission to bring hope and love to those around us.
This year’s 2025 Annual Catholic Appeal offers us a meaningful way to respond to that call. Through this Appeal, we unite as one faith community to support the vital ministries of our Diocese. Your generosity supports essential programs that serve countless individuals, including:
— Youth, Campus, and Young Adult Ministries
— Pastoral and Outreach Ministries
— Catholic Schools
— Office of Vocations and Seminarians
— Office of Divine Worship
— Villa Vianney Priest Retirement Residence
— Our Lady Queen of Peace Retreat Center
Please prayerfully reflect on how you can contribute to this year’s Appeal. Your support is an invaluable part of advancing the mission of the Church and sharing Christ’s love with others.
Together, let us heed the Lord’s call to “feed His sheep.” May our collective efforts through our 2025 Annual Catholic Appeal bring abundant blessings and build a more vibrant and loving Church community. May this new year be a time of grace, renewal, and opportunities to share Christ’s love with one another. I am yours
In the light and the love of the Lord,
Bishop David P. Talley, M.S.W., J.C.D.