Our Award-Winning Latest Faith Magazine in Homes Soon

The latest edition of our award-winning Faith West Tennessee Magazine will be in our homes, parishes, missions, schools and businesses soon. It is another outstanding edition sharing informative and interesting articles about our faith, prayers, celebrations, parishioners and more across our Diocese—and the publications includes incredible photography. Here’s our latest edition online: FWTNLatestEdition and all …

Respect Life Month in October

With regard to Respect Life Month in October, Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore and Chairman, USCCB Pro-Life Activities Committee, is encouraging all Catholics to practice “radical solidarity and unconditional love” for pregnant and parenting mothers. In a statement from Sept. 21, Archbishop Lori, called the Supreme Court’s decision in June to overturn Roe vs. …

Sister Thea Bowman’s Journey to Sainthood

A moving documentary on Sister Thea Bowman was released, Sunday, Oct. 2. The film “Going Home Like a Shooting Star: Thea Bowman’s Journey to Sainthood” is airing on ABC affiliate stations, including here in Memphis, Ch. 24/Ch. 30. The film is also being streamed on the Jackson Diocese YouTube Channel at: https://www.youtube.com/c/CatholicDioceseofJackson. This beautiful documentary …

Our Catholic Diocese of Memphis Map by Deaneries

Our Catholic Diocese of Memphis consists of 47 Parishes and Missions in four Deaneries across 21 Counties in West Tennessee. Led by Bishop David P. Talley, more than 70,000 Catholics make our diverse, vibrant and faith-filled Diocese their home. Please click the following link to see our Map: CDOMMapDeaneries. Also, please visit us in the …

Latest Edition of Our Faith Magazine Now Available

The latest edition of our award-winning Faith West Tennessee Magazine will be in our homes, parishes, missions, schools and businesses this week. It is another exceptional edition sharing informative and interesting articles about our faith, prayers, celebrations, parishioners and more across our Diocese—and the publications includes incredible photography. Here’s our latest edition online: FWTNLatestIssue and …

Gifts for God’s Children – Christmas 2022

Christmas is the perfect time to focus more intentionally on our brothers and sisters in need. Gifts for God’s Children allows wonderful people and groups to adopt one, two, or more families and share the JOY of the season! Let our neighbors in need know someone cares for them. Let children know someone loves them. Let seniors know they have not been forgotten. …

ICCS Second Grader First Recipient of “Super Student” Award

Congratulations to Immaculate Conception Cathedral School Second Grader Annaliese Fuchs who was the first recipient of our Memphis Diocese Catholic Schools “Super Student” Award. Joined by Catholic Schools Superintendent Nic Antoine, ICCS Principal Kadesha Gordon and The Cathedral Pastor Fr. Robert Szczechura, well known Channel 5 News Anchor Joe Birch announced and presented the new …

Bishop Talley and Our Catholic Faith Among Who’s Who

Great to see and read about our Good Shepherd and our Catholic Faith. Please see Bishop Talley in the middle of The Who’s Who section of the August issue of the Memphis Magazine: BishopTalleyCatholicFaith. Our Catholic Faith continues its strength through our beloved Bishop. ¡Adelante! Going Forward Together, On Mission…That All May Be One (John …

Thank You Letter from Fr. Szczechura on Seminarian Dinner

Please see the following thank you letter link from Fr. Robert Szczechura on the recent success of the sold out Annual Seminarian Dinner 2022 at our beautiful St. Benedict of Auburndale. It was a sold out event with 400 attendees, including many Priests, with a record-breaking profit of more than $200,000 for our 13 outstanding …

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