On this Fifth Sunday of Lent, please take a few minutes to view Bishop Talley’s video message on Ukraine by clicking on the following link: BishopVideoUkraine. Let’s continue to join with Ukrainian Catholics and millions of other people of good will throughout the world in praying for the people of Ukraine in the face of …
Category Archives: News
Possibility of Severe Storms Closes our Schools and Office
Due to safety concerns with the possibility of Severe Storms today, March 30, our Catholic Diocese of Memphis Schools and Catholic Center Office will be closed this afternoon. Please check for specifics on time with your School, Parish and/or Mission through Facebook pages, Websites and other Communications avenues, which will include information on Office Closures …
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Nominations Wanted for Memphis Catholic Hall of Fame
Memphis Catholic Hall of Fame Nomination Forms are now available for the Class of 2022. If you know of a deserving individual who was a graduate, faculty member or administrator of Memphis Catholic High School or any of its Heritage Schools (CHSFB, Sacred Heart and/or Fr. Bertrand/St. Augustine) and would like to submit his/her name …
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In Memory of Matt Sorg to SBA High School
Matt Sorg was a member of our Memphis Diocese’s Diaconate Class that is now in Formation. He passed away last year and is now with our Lord. The funds Matt spent on the Diaconate Formation was offered back to his family, but instead, his family and his Diaconate Class made a donation of $1,500 in …
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United in Faith Showing Great Success
It has been an excellent start to our United in Faith Capital Campaign! The first round of checks went out at the beginning of this month (March) to eight churches who qualified for distribution: Holy Family-Huntingdon, Holy Spirit, Incarnation, St. Ann-Bartlett, St. John-Memphis, St. Jude-Selmer, St. Jude-Martin and Our Lady of the Lake-Pickwick. The funds …
Our Latest Catholic Schools of Memphis TV Commercial
Many blessings to the 15 Catholic Schools (Diocesan, Parochial and Private) in our Diocese as Spring Break takes place this week. Also, please click on the link to view our latest TV Commercial about our Catholic Schools: https://vimeo.com/684410388/bf97b9057d. The TV Commercial is on WREG-TV Ch. 3 this week to promote our School Summer Camps and …
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Support Ukraine
We Are One Human Family In recent weeks, we seek to be in solidarity with our neighbors in war torn countries. In times of war and violence, borders become blurred, and people are displaced. The Ukrainian situation is dire, and it is inspiring to see the outpouring of support from people across the globe. Many …
Supt. Nic Antoine Shares St. Paul Catholic School Video
As our 15 Catholic Schools in West Tennessee continue to excel with the very best academics and religious development, please view another excellent video from our Supt. Nic Antoine, which is about the remarkable St. Paul Catholic School: SuptAntoineStPaul. The St. Paul video was sent to all Catholic Schools Pastors, Principals, Religious, Teachers, Staff, Parents, …
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Supt. Nic Antoine Shares Immaculate Conception Cathedral School Video
As our 15 Catholic Schools across West Tennessee enjoy a safe and successful quarter with the best academics and religious development, please view another informative video from our Superintendent Nic Antoine, which is about the exceptional Immaculate Conception Cathedral School: SuptAntoineICCS. The ICCS video was sent to all Catholic School Pastors, Principals, Religious, Teachers, Staff, …
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St. Paul Students Receive Ashes on Front Page of the Commercial Appeal
Terrific to see and read about our wonderful St. Paul Catholic School students receiving Ashes from Fr. Stephen Kenny, Pastor at St. Paul, on Ash Wednesday morning, March 2. The photos and write-up were at the top of the Front Page of the Commercial Appeal this past Thursday, March 3. Please click the following link …
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