Mid-South Area Association of Catholic Nurses (MSAACN)

The Mid South Area Association of Catholic Nurses (MSAACN) was established in 2002. The mission is to give nurses of different backgrounds, but with the same Roman Catholic values, the opportunity to promote moral principles within the Catholic Church context in nursing and stimulate desire for professionals’ improvement. This approach to Roman Catholic doctrine focuses on educational programs, spiritual nourishment, patient advocacy and integration of faith and health.

As we continue to share our faith and values with each other, we simultaneously reach outward to the larger church and also our community, as we offer support to those in need.

Membership is open to all Catholic registered, licensed and retired nurses, nursing students residing in west Tennessee, east Arkansas and north Mississippi.

Benefits of Membership

Joining the Mid\South Area Association of Catholic Nurses (MSAACN) puts you in touch with other medical professionals who share your faith and values. Designed to address specific interests of nurses and nursing students, membership is open to all healthcare professionals residing in West Tennessee, Eastern Arkansas, and Northern Mississippi.

Membership benefits Include:

  • Education Programs with CEU´s
  • Spiritual Reflections
  • Social Gatherings
  • Internet Resources & Links
  • Annual Liturgy for Health Care Workers

To apply for membership to the MSAACN, you can download the registration form here: MSAACN membership form MSAACN membership form_May2020


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