How have you lived the days and evenings of the Lenten Season so far?
As we move through the first year of our focus on “Living the anointed life,” why not look at the suggestions offered in our six Priorities, and find ways to introduce them as a Lenten discipline?
We hope to live as Jesus calls us to live. God’s blessing to all of us.
Our Diocese’s three-year Strategic Pastoral Plan, 2025-2027, is now in our 46 parishes, 13 schools, and many ministries in West Tennessee.
Our Vision
To live a Christ-centered fellowship, on fire with the love of God and neighbor, to see individuals, families, parishes, and our schools working together to build up the Kingdom of God in West Tennessee.
Our Mission
Living the anointed life in Word and Sacrament.
Our Priorities
• Eucharistic Life: Living a life of prayer, worship, and thanksgiving, and celebrating the Sacraments of Christ with reverence and fervor, born of the Holy Spirit’s presence within us.
• Formation: In the fruitfulness of Eucharistic Life, we commit ourselves and our families to lifelong formation in the apostolic traditions of our faith.
• Evangelization: Born of a Eucharistic Life, we will proclaim the Good News to all in every part of West Tennessee.
• Unity: Revealed through our Eucharistic Life, we, though many, are one Body in Christ.
• Steeped in Mercy: Bound through our Eucharistic Life, we follow the Lord Jesus in sharing sacrificially, especially with the least, and the last, and the lost.
• Stewardship: We manifest the Eucharistic Life through our generous and intentional stewardship of all God’s gifts.
For all the details on our Diocese’s Strategic Pastoral Plan, go to:
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