Mark your calendar now for the launch of the National Eucharistic Revival on Corpus Christi Sunday, June 19. Corpus Christi is also known as The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. On that day, our Diocese’s 47 Parishes and Missions in West Tennessee will celebrate Mass with some to include a Procession.

Bishop David P. Talley will celebrate the Mass at Our Mother Church, The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, 10am, as Celebrant. At the Mass, Bishop Talley will lead a Procession from The Cathedral’s Front Doors down S. Belvedere Blvd. to Harbert Ave. and then back to The Cathedral. All are invited to attend the Mass.

More information on this beautiful and joy-filled day will be forthcoming, but for now go to: USCCBNationalEucharisticRevival and USCCBCorpusChristi.

¡Adelante! Going Forward Together, On Mission…That All May Be One (John 17:21)!

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