Immaculate Conception Cathedral School is excited to announce a new
partnership with Christian Brothers University that will benefit our
Middle and High School students through active involvement in studies in
computer science, engineering, and health sciences.

ICCS High School girls will be able to choose a science, engineering, or
health sciences track while enrolled at ICCS that will help prepare them
to enter fields underserved by the female population.

CBU will introduce our students to these fields through tours,
presentations, seminars, and special events. CBU staff will also advise
ICCS on the specific curriculum required to prepare students for college
readiness in these areas of study and will train our faculty on teaching
methods to facilitate this curriculum.

Dual enrollment classes on CBU’s campus, individualized schedules that
allow students to participate in activities that will perpetuate their
future success, and relationship building with possible future college
faculty and advisers will be added benefits of this program.

Participation in this program will also provide ICCS High School students
an admissions advantage with CBU, which boasts a 97% job placement rate
after college and an 85% medical school acceptance rate (the national
average is 45%).

ICCS¹s average per-student college scholarship awards have been among the
highest in our area for the last several years, and we expect these
numbers to rise as students receive intense preparation for studies in
fields seeking female students.

Middle School students will have opportunities to participate in
project-based learning initiatives that provide an introduction into the
fields of computer science, engineering, and health sciences. These
highly marketable fields rely heavily on students being trained to think
creatively and actively explore real-world challenges and problems.

CBU staff will also advise assist ICCS on developing the specific
curriculum needed to prepare students for high school and eventually
college readiness in these areas of study and will help train faculty on
teaching methods to facilitate this curriculum.

For more information on this partnership and ICCS admissions information,
please contact Director of Recruitment Cathy Armstrong at (901) 435-5344

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