The September issue of our award-winning Faith West Tennessee Magazine is arriving in our homes, parishes, schools, and businesses this week. It is another excellent issue that provides us with inspiring, informative, timely, and relevant articles about our beautiful Catholic faith, prayers, celebrations and parishioners across our Diocese–and it includes amazing photos.
Please see the September Cover of our Faith Magazine below that features Room in the Inn-Memphis, a non-profit homeless ministry that continues to build community and provide hope and hospitality. Please click this link to read through the entire September issue:…/faith-west…/mem0924.
To subscribe to our Faith Magazine, please click the link. The low-cost prices are: $18 for one-year, $30 for two-years, and a great savings of $36 for three-years. Also, if interested in advertising in our magazine, please click the same link. Many blessings and thank you so much for the support:
Still not convinced to subscribe or advertise, please see all of our Faith Magazine issues over the past few years by clicking this link:
After seeing our exceptional magazines over the past years, please subscribe to get the magazine at your home, parish, school, and/or business to support our Catholic faith. Again, please consider advertising in the magazine, too.
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