Clergy Appointments 2020 Changes will be made to the Clergy page by August 1, 2020

To read the official document please click HERE

22 May 2020

The Most Reverend David P. Talley, M.S.W., J.C.D., met with the Clergy Personnel Board to outline the needs for priest assignments this fall. Moves were necessary because of the appointment of Bishop-elect Robert Marshall as Bishop of Alexandria, La., the retirement from active ministry of Reverend William Burke, the need for some additional diocesan support and the continued desire to provide different experiences for the priests in parish ministry. With these principles in mind, Bishop Talley announces the following clergy appointments, effective August 1, 2020: 

Reverend William F. Burke, currently Parochial Vicar of St. Louis Parish, Memphis, is granted permission to retire from active ministry. 

Very Reverend James Clark, J.C.L., Chancellor and Judicial Vicar, currently in residence at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Germantown, is assigned to reside at St. Ann Church, Bartlett, with continued weekend ministry at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. 

Reverend Carlos Donato da Silva, Vice-Chancellor, currently assigned to weekend sacramental ministry at St. Mary Parish, Jackson, and St. John Parish, Brownsville, is appointed to assist with weekend Hispanic ministry at St. Anne Church, Memphis, and Church of the Nativity, Bartlett, while continuing studies for the Licentiate in Canon Law. 

Reverend Edward K. Fisher, currently Pastor of Blessed Sacrament Parish, Memphis, is appointed Pastor of St. Mary Parish, Savannah, with its mission Our Lady of the Lake, Counce. 

Reverend Yoelvis A. Gonzalez, currently Parochial Administrator of St. Therese the Little Flower Parish is appointed Pastor of St. Therese the Little Flower Parish, Memphis, and Parochial Administrator of Blessed Sacrament Parish, Memphis. 

Reverend Enrique Granados-Garcia, currently Parochial Vicar of St. Paul the Apostle Parish, Memphis, is appointed Parochial Vicar of Resurrection Parish, Memphis. 

Reverend Carl Gregorich, currently Parochial Vicar of St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Cordova, is appointed Parochial Administrator of Immaculate Conception Parish, Union City. 

Reverend Joseph Hastings, to be ordained priest this June, is appointed Parochial Vicar of St. Francis of Assisi Parish, Cordova. 

Reverend John Hourican, currently Pastor of Holy Spirit Parish, Memphis, is appointed Pastor of St. William Parish, Millington. 

Very Reverend Joey Kaump, V.F., currently Pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish, Union City, and Dean of the Northern Deanery, is appointed Pastor of St. Brigid Parish, Memphis. 

Reverend Jacek Kowal, currently Pastor of Incarnation Parish, Collierville, is appointed Pastor of Nativity Parish, Bartlett. 

Reverend Jins Mathew, M.C.B.S., is appointed Parochial Vicar, St. Louis Parish, Memphis. 

Reverend Dexter Noblefranca, currently Pastor of St. Mary Parish, Savannah, and its mission, Our Lady of the Lake, Counce, is appointed Chaplain of St. Benedict at Auburndale High School with residence at St. Ann Church, Bartlett. He is also appointed Assistant Director of Vocations and will work with the Diocesan Youth Ministries office. 

Reverend Mathew Panackachira, M.C.B.S., currently Parochial Administrator of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Germantown, is appointed Pastor of Holy Spirit Parish, Memphis. 

Reverend Jaimes Ponce , J.C.D., Adjutant Judicial Vicar, currently in residence at St. Anne Church, Memphis, is assigned to reside at St. Louis Church, Memphis. 

Reverend Rito de Santiago-Carreon, currently Parochial Vicar of Resurrection Parish, Memphis, is appointed Parochial Vicar, St. Paul the Apostle Parish, Memphis. 

Reverend Jolly Sebastian, M.C.B.S., currently Pastor of St. Louis Parish, Memphis, is appointed Pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Germantown. 

Very Reverend Keith Stewart, V.F., currently Pastor of St. Brigid Parish, Memphis, and Dean of the Central Deanery, is appointed Pastor of St. Louis Parish, Memphis, while remaining Dean of the Central Deanery. 

Reverend Robert Szczechura, S.T.L., Director of Vocations and Director of the Office of Worship, currently Pastor of Nativity Parish, Bartlett, is appointed Pastor of the Parish of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Memphis. 

Reverend Michael Werkhoven, currently Pastor of St. William Parish, Millington, is appointed Pastor of Incarnation Parish, Collierville. 

22 de Mayo 2020 

El Reverendísimo Obispo David P. Talley, M.S.W., J.C.D., se reunió con los representantes del Personal Clerical para delinear las necesidades de reasignación de sacerdotes para este otoño. Los movimientos se hicieron necesarios por el pronunciamiento del Obispo-electo, Reverendísimo Padre Robert Marshall como Obispo de la Diócesis de Alexandria en Luisiana, el retiro del Padre Reverendo William Burke de ministerio activo, la necesidad de apoyo adicional de orden diocesano y el continuo deseo de proveer de experiencias diferentes a los sacerdotes en el ministerio parroquial. Con estos principios en mente, el Obispo Talley anuncia los siguientes nombramientos, efectivos a partir del 1º de Agosto, 2020: 

Reverendo Padre William F. Burke, actualmente Vicario Parroquial de la Parroquia de San Luis, en Memphis, ha recibido permiso para retirarse del ministerio activo. 

Reverendísimo Padre James Clark, J.C.L., Canciller y Vicario Judicial, con residencia actual en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro (Our Lady of Perpetual Help), en Germantown, es asignado a residir en la Iglesia de Sta. Ana (St. Ann), en Bartlett, continuando su ministerio de fin de semana en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro. 

Reverendo Padre Carlos Donato da Silva, Vice-Canciller, actualmente asignado al ministerio sacramental de fin de semana en las Parroquias de Sta. María (St. Mary), en Jackson, y San Juan (St. John), en Brownsville, es asignado a asistir el ministerio Hispano del fin de semana de la Parroquia de Sta. Ana (St. Anne), en Memphis, y la Parroquia de la Natividad (Nativity), en Bartlett, mientras continua sus estudios en Derecho Canónico. 

Reverendo Padre Edward K. Fisher, actualmente Párroco de la Parroquia del Santísimo Sacramento (Blessed Sacrament), en Memphis, es nombrado Párroco de la Parroquia de Sta. María (St. Mary), en Savannah, con su Misión de Nuestra Señora del Lago (Our Lady of the Lake), en Counce. 

Reverendo Padre Yoelvis A. González, actualmente Administrador Parroquial de la Parroquia de Santa Teresa (St. Therese, the Little Flower), es nombrado Párroco de la misma, Parroquia de Santa Teresa, la Pequeña Flor, (St. Therese the Little Flower), en Memphis, y Administrador Parroquial de la Parroquia del Santísimo Sacramento (Blessed Sacrament), en Memphis. 

Reverendo Padre Enrique Granados-García, actualmente Vicario Parroquial de la Parroquia de San Pablo Apóstol (St. Paul the Apostle), en Memphis, es nombrado Vicario Parroquial de la Parroquia de la Resurrección, en Memphis. 

Reverendo Padre Carl Gregorich, actualmente Vicario Parroquial de la Parroquia de San Francisco de Asís (St. Francis of Assisi), en Cordova, es nombrado Administrador Parroquial de la Parroquia de la Inmaculada Concepción (Immaculate Conception), en Union City. 

Reverendo Padre Joseph Hastings, quien será ordenado al sacerdocio este Junio, es nombrado Vicario Parroquial de la Parroquia de San Francisco de Asís (St. Francis of Assisi), en Cordova. 

Reverendo Padre John Hourican, actualmente Párroco de la Parroquia del Espíritu Santo (Holy Spirit), en Memphis, es nombrado Párroco de la Parroquia de San Guillermo (St. William), en Millington. 

Reverendísimo Padre Joey Kaump, V.F., actualmente Párroco del a Parroquia de a Inmaculada Concepción (Immaculate Conception), en Union City, y Decano de la Decanatura Norte, es nombrado Párroco de la Parroquia de Santa Brígida (St. Brigid), en Memphis. 

Reverendo Padre Jacek Kowal, actualmente Párroco de la Parroquia de la Encarnación (Incarnation), en Collierville, es nombrado Párroco de la Parroquia de la Natividad (Nativity), en Bartlett. 

Reverendo Padre Jins Mathew, M.C.B.S., es nombrado Vicario Parroquial de la Parroquia de San Luis, en Memphis. 

Reverendo Padre Dexter Noblefranca, actualmente Párroco de la Parroquia de Sta. María (St. Mary), en Savannah, y su Misión, Nuestra Señora del Lago (Our Lady of the Lake), en Counce, es nombrado Capellán de la Preparatoria (High School) de San Benedicto de Auburndale con residencia en la Iglesia de Sta. Ana (St. Ann), en Bartlett. Además, es nombrado Asistente del Director Vocacional y trabajara con la Oficina Diocesana del Ministerio Juvenil. 

Reverendo Padre Mathew Panackachira, M.C.B.S., actualmente Administrador Parroquial de la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro (Our Lady of Perpetual Help), en Germantown, es nombrado Párroco de la Parroquia del Espíritu Santo (Holy Spirit), en Memphis. 

Reverendo Padre Jaimes Ponce, J.C.D., Vicario Judicial Adjunto, con residencia actual en la Iglesia de Santa Ana (St. Anne), en Memphis, es asignado a residir en la Iglesia de San Luis, en Memphis. 

Reverendo Padre Rito de Santiago-Carreón, actualmente Vicario Parroquial en la Parroquia de la Resurrección, en Memphis, es nombrado Vicario Parroquial de la Parroquia de San Pablo Apóstol (St. Paul the Apostle), en Memphis. 

Reverendo Padre Jolly Sebastian, M.C.B.S., actualmente Párroco de la Parroquia de San Luis, en Memphis, es nombrado Párroco de la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro (Our Lady of Perpetual Help), en Germantown. 

Reverendísimo Padre Keith Stewart, V.F., actualmente párroco de la Iglesia de Santa Brígida (St. Brigid), en Memphis, y Decano de la Decanatura Central, es nombrado Párroco de la Parroquia de San Luis, en Memphis, permaneciendo como Decano de la Decanatura Central. 

Reverendo Padre Robert Szczechura, S.T.L., Director de Vocaciones y Director de la Oficina de Culto, actualmente párroco de la Parroquia de la Natividad (Nativity), en Bartlett, es nombrado Párroco de la Parroquia Catedral de la Inmaculada Concepción, (Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception), en Memphis. 

Reverendo Padre Michael Werkhoven, actualmente párroco en la Parroquia de San Guillermo (St. William), en Millington, es nombrado Párroco de la Parroquia de la Encarnación (Incarnation), en Collierville. 

Catholic Center Staff

Ave Maria Church

Blessed Sacrament Church

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

Church of the Ascension

Church of the Holy Angels

Church of the Holy Spirit

Church of the Incarnation

Church of the Nativity

Church of the Resurrection

Holy Cross Church

Holy Family Mission

Holy Names of Jesus and Mary Church

Holy Rosary Church

Immaculate Conception Church

Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Our Lady of Sorrows Church

Our Lady of the Lake

Sacred Heart Church (Humboldt)

Sacred Heart Church (Memphis)

St. Alphonsus Church (Covington)

St. Andrew the Apostle Church (Lexington)

St. Ann Church (Bartlett)

St. Anne Church (Memphis)

St. Augustine Church

St. Brigid Church

St. Francis of Assisi (Cordova)

St. James Church

St. John Church (Brownsville) 

St. John the Evangelist Church 

St. Joseph Church

St. Jude the Apostle Church (Martin)

St. Jude the Apostle Church (Selmer)

St. Louis Church

St. Mary Church (Bolivar)

St. Mary Church (Camden)

St. Mary Church (Jackson)

St. Mary Church (Memphis)

St. Mary Church (Savannah)

St. Matthew Church (Milan)

St. Michael Church

St. Patrick Church

St. Paul the Apostle Church

St. Peter Church

St. Philip the Apostle Church (Somerville)

St. Regina Church (Parsons)

St. Therese Little Flower Church

St. William Church


Rev. Robert Ballman

Rev. Edward Fisher

Rev. Robert Marshall, Jr.

Rev. Dennis Schenkel

Rev. Patrick G. Hirtz

Rev. John Hourican

Rev. Jacek Kowal

Rev. Robert Szczechura

Rev. James J. Martell

Rev. Martin Orjianioke

Rev. Herbert Ene

Rev. Francis Chiawa

Rev. Patrick Gallagher

Rev. Richard “Joey” Kaump, Jr.

Rev. David Graham

Rev. Mathew Panackachira, MCBS

Rev. Bryan Timby

Rev. Dexter Noblefranca

Rev. A. Mauricio Abeldaño-Flores

Rev. Simon T. Hoang, SVD

Rev. Robert Ballman

Rev. Anthony Onyekwe

Rev. Ernie DeBlasio

Rev. Bruce Cinquegrani, D.Min.

Rev. Francis Chiawa

Rev. Keith Stewart

Rev. Carl Hood

Rev. Gerald Azike

Rev. David Graham


Rev. Juan Antonio Romo-Romo, SVD

Rev. David Orsak

Rev. Wayne Arnold

Rev. Jolly Sebastian, MCBS

Rev. Wayne Arnold

Rev. Herbert Ene

Rev. David Graham

Rev. Gary Edward Lamb

Rev. Dexter Noblefranca

Rev. A. Mauricio Abeldaño-Flores

Rev. Benjamin Bradshaw

Rev. Monsignor Valentine Handwerker

Rev. Stephen Kenny

Rev. Augustine DeArmond, OP

Rev. Robert D. Favazza

Rev. Anthony Onyekewe

Rev. Yoelvis Gonzalez

Rev. Michael E. Werkhoven

Ave Maria Church

Blessed Sacrament Church

Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

Church of the Ascension

Church of the Holy Angels

Church of the Holy Spirit

Church of the Incarnation

Church of the Nativity

Church of the Resurrection

Holy Cross Church

Holy Family Mission

Holy Names of Jesus and Mary Church

Holy Rosary Church

Immaculate Conception Church

Our Lady of Guadalupe Mission

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Our Lady of Sorrows Church

Our Lady of the Lake

Sacred Heart Church (Humboldt)

Sacred Heart Church (Memphis)

St. Alphonsus Church (Covington)

St. Andrew the Apostle Church (Lexington)

St. Ann Church (Bartlett)

St. Anne Church (Memphis)

St. Augustine Church

St. Brigid Church

St. Francis of Assisi (Cordova)

St. James Church

St. John Church (Brownsville) 

St. John the Evangelist Church 

St. Joseph Church

St. Jude the Apostle Church (Martin)

St. Jude the Apostle Church (Selmer)

St. Louis Church

St. Mary Church (Bolivar)

St. Mary Church (Camden)

St. Mary Church (Jackson)

St. Mary Church (Memphis)

St. Mary Church (Savannah)

St. Matthew Church (Milan)

St. Michael Church

St. Patrick Church

St. Paul the Apostle Church

St. Peter Church

St. Philip the Apostle Church (Somerville)

St. Regina Church (Parsons)

St. Therese Little Flower Church

St. William Church


Rev. Edward Fisher

Rev. Ruben Villalon-Rivera



Rev. Ajesh Joseph, MCBS

Rev. Jose Cruz-Zapatta


Rev. Rito de Santiago




Rev. Michael Okata


Rev. Richard Cortese

Rev. Peter Nguyen




Rev. Raymond Akumbilim, SVD




Rev. Thomas Thomas (in-residence)


Rev. Cain Galacia

Rev. Carl Gregorich


Rev. Richard Cortese





Rev. William Burke, Rev. Jeo Poulose, MCSB



Rev. Richard Cortese




Rev. Francisco Franquiz


Rev. Enrique Granados

Rev. Ramon Gonzalez, OP





Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception

Church of the Ascension

Church of the Holy Angels, Dyersburg

Church of the Holy Spirit

Church of the Incarnation

Church of the Nativity

Church of the Resurrection

Holy Cross Church

Holy Family Mission, Huntingdon

Holy Rosary

Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Our Lady of Sorrows

Sacred Heart, Humboldt

St. Ann Catholic Church, Bartlett

St. Anne Catholic Church, Highland

St. Augustine Catholic Church

St. Brigid Catholic Church

St. Francis of Assisi

St. John Church, Brownsville

St. John the Evangelist

St. Joseph Church

St. Jude, Martin

St. Jude, Selmer

St. Louis Church

St. Mary,  Bolivar

St. Mary, Camden

St. Mary, Jackson

St. Mary, Memphis

St. Patrick

St. Paul

St. Peter

St. Philip, Somerville

St. Therese Littleflower

St. William, Millington


Rev. Mr.’s  Bill Pettit, Rick Martin,  Alan Crone

Rev. Mr.’s Harvey Stewart, Michael Richardson

Rev. Mr. Bill Winston

Rev. Mr.’s Werner Rose, Richard Griffith

Rev. Mr.’s Greg Thomas, Robert Walker, Chip Jones

Rev. Mr.’s Frank Larker, Chris Frame, David Rosenthal, PhD

Rev. Mr. Justin Mitchell

Rev. Mr. Rodney Seyller

Rev. Mr. Wayne Tedford

Rev. Mr.’s Rich Quinton, James McBride, David Dierkes

Rev. Mr.’s Dave Lucchesi, John Moskal, Steve Mangin

Rev. Mr. Henry Littleton

Rev. Mr.’s Ed Kutz, J.R.Hobbs

Rev. Mr. Bob Skinner

Rev. Mr. David Woolley

Rev. Mr. Norman Alexander

Rev. Mr.’s Jim Piatchek, Henry Babin, Phil Moore

Rev. Mr.’s Bill Davis, Chuck Lightcap, Mickl Hovanec, Tony Rudolph

Rev. Mr.’s Dale Brown, Eddy Koonce, Jim Moss, Bob Russell

Rev. Mr. Walt Bolton

Rev. Mr. James Calicott

Rev. Mr. Rodney Freed

Rev. Mr. Jim Gray

Rev. Mr.’s Jeff Drzycimski, Michael D’Addabo

Rev. Mr. Jim Gray

Rev. Mr. Wayne Tedford

Rev. Mr.’s Dale Brown, Jim Moss, Eddy Koonce, Bob Russell

Rev. Mr.’s Ernie Albonetti, Jerry Horne

Rev. Mr.’s Eugene Champion, Frank Williams

Rev. Mr.’s Pat Lyons, Andrew Terry

Rev. Mr.  Eddie Ramsey

Rev. Mr.’s Mike Blome, Joseph Kuzio

Rev. Mr. Bill Lifsey

Rev. Mr. Jimmy Schmall, Jr.


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