Saturday, August 10, was a huge success and a record-breaking Angelo Lucchesi Seminarian Dinner. With about 500 Catholic faithful in attendance, more than $250,000 was raised.
It was a spectacular evening with Joe Birch doing an excellent job as the host and auctioneer. All Seminarians and Candidates in attendance were introduced, which included a slide show in the background of each young man’s bio.
The record-breaking funds raised are for the ongoing Formation of our 15 Seminarians that involves attending the “2025 Jubilee Year” in Rome. Let’s pray and say the Rosary daily for these outstanding young men as they attend Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans, La., and St. Meinrad Seminary in St. Meinrad, Ind.
A special and deep appreciation to Nan Miller, Susan Vescovo, and Fr. Robert Szczechura, Director of Vocations, for leading an incredibly successful event—along with the exceptional support of the Knights of Columbus, Diocesan staff, and many volunteers.
Thank you to everyone for your wonderful and generous hearts to support these young men who we pray to be our future Priests through the many phases of our lives—all the way to the moment when we pass into the Kingdom of God.
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