Rites of Election by Bishop David P. Talley
At 3 PM and again at 7 PM, the Nave of the Cathedral was filled with children and teens and adults who long to be with Christ the Lord and His Church. Two Rites of Election took place yesterday, the 1st Sunday of Lent. Catechumens , longing for the Sacraments of lnitiation … Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist were present, hundreds it seemed. They are now known as the Elect. Along with these Elect, the candidates for reception into the global Catholic Church were present in large numbers. These candidates are already one with us
( and all Christians) in Baptism. They seek the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist, the living signs of Christ’s Presence within His Body, the Church. Many of their Pastors were present yesterday, among whom: Fathers Ernie, Gerald, Matthew, David, Ben, Patrick, Robbie, Patrick, Rob, Francis, Bruce, Augie, Jim, Dexter, Robert and Robert and Tono. Many Deacons assisted me ( thank you). The Catechumenate Directors were glowing. The music was beautiful. It was a joy. It was a joy for me. Forty-five years ago, I was a candidate … becoming a Roman Catholic disciple of the Lord. Let us join these Elect and Candidates, from throughout west Tennessee in prayer for holy Lent. AMDG