The Office of Communication supports the Bishop of Memphis as well as the Diocesan ministries and administrative departments in their efforts to share the Good News throughout West Tennessee.
To reach people where they are, readers may sign up for weekly emails through Flocknote which aggregates news from the Diocese and beyond.
In addition, the Diocese prints a monthly magazine called “Faith West Tennessee” which is designed to inspire and instruct. Subscriptions are $18 per year and make an excellent and easy to purchase gift. Advertising is available to organizations and for events that are of interest to our readers. Please contact Megan Rogers for information and placement.
Additionally, the Office of Communications supports both parishes and schools through:
1. Assistance with crisis communications. Call our office right away: 901-373-1208.
2. Building digital presence through social media, websites, videos, and any other digital content.
3. Promoting events. For additions to our website events calendar, social media promotion, or Faith West Tennessee story coverage, please email Rick Ouellette.
4. Job postings. Email Angie Beller your parish, school, or other Catholic-affiliated job posting, and it will be forwarded to Communications to be added to our website.
5. Diocesan website changes including Mass and confession times.
6. Vetting public policy communications. Advise on appropriate materials regarding public policy and politics.
7. Audio/Video production.
8. Diocesan branding including letterhead, logo, fonts and more.
Rick Ouellette, Director of Comm. (901) 573-4002, cell
Megan Rogers, Multi-Media/Web Design (901) 831-5409, cell
The “WTC” was converted to an online news format in September 2013. Placing the news online makes the news fresher and easier to share than in print. It also allows us to move toward a greener distribution of news. As per Pope Francis, we are called on to care for the planet God has given us as a home. Using less paper and fuel for delivery of newspapers is one way we’re trying to make the world a better place.
Since February of 2019 the ‘WTC” has been in a state of re-evaluation and re-structuring as we strive to meet the needs of the parishioners of the Diocese of Memphis in Tennessee.