Mission of the Diocesan Committee: To assist the Christian Community in the pastoral care, service and justice dimensions of our faith for people with disabilities.
This ministry assists the Christian community in the pastoral care, service and justice dimension for persons with disabilities and their families. Activities includes:
St. Michael has a new Special Needs Ministry, Souls for Service. It is open to individuals with special needs 13 and older. All faiths are welcome. They meet on designated Thursdays from 6-7:30 PM at St. Mike’s.
They come together for pizza, worship and fellowship. They also participate in a service project. In the past they have assembled blessing bags for the homeless, painted and planted pots for the cottages of Ava Maria, made no sew blankets for the Catholic Charities, and many other things.
For more information please email gwen.coffey@stmichaelmemphis.org. St.Michael’s can also provide Special Ed PRE for any Catholics with special needs seeking Sacraments.
A Parent to Parent Support group is starting at St. Michael’s for parents of young children with special needs and will be facilitated by parents of adult children with special needs. It is in hopes we can provide support and advice for these parents – both for emotional support and practical real-life advice about what resources are available to them. Click Parenttoparentbilingualpdf for the flyer.
First meeting is Sunday, June 26th at 2:30 at St. Michael Church located at 3863 Summer Avenue. A Spanish translator will be present.
St. Angela Ministry at Saint Louis Church. This ministry, named after the patron saint for those who are handicapped, disabled and challenged is being developed to address the unique needs of those parishioners with disabilities and their families. Respite time is offered from 3:30 -5:30 p.m. on Saturdays to allow families of these parishioners to attend Mass or go to dinner together. Contact Susan Holliday at susan929498@yahoo.com to register.
For more information about this ministry, please contact the Department of Pastoral Care: 901-373-1234 or send an email to sharon.kowalke@cc.cdom.org