“The Chair” is a television series that tells the story of the Catholic Church in America, which includes our Memphis Diocese. It is showing on Amazon Prime. Please click on the following the link to watch and enjoy the 20-minute show for free: TheChairMemphisDiocese.


What is It?

The nature of “The Chair” series is about how faith has grown historically in Dioceses from the perspective of its Shepherd—the Bishop. The series is 10 episodes and each show covers one Diocese, its Cathedral-Chair and its Bishop. Our Memphis Diocese is episode 4 (S1 E4) in the series. A second season is in production with this first season being a success.


All About Timing

The planning of the “The Chair” in our Memphis Diocese has been in the works since September 2019 and was slowed down by COVID-19. However, we are thrilled it all came together so well, especially since we are now celebrating our Diocese’s 50th Anniversary and the 100th Anniversary of our beautiful Mother Church (the Cathedral).


More on the Filming

In taping the show, drones were flown around the exterior of our Cathedral capturing the architecture-grounds while videographers filmed the interior highlighting its beauty and history. Bishop Talley was interviewed about his conversion to Catholicism, his time as a Bishop and our community of Catholics. Brother Joel was also interviewed on the history of our Memphis Diocese.


Our Hope for the Show

We hope the telecast makes all of us proud to be Catholic and that it reaches other area Catholics who may have been away from the Church as well as non-Catholics who are interested in faith. Let’s share the show with many others as an opportunity for people to take a look at some wonderful places like our Mother Church to elevate the soul and open up to God. Ultimately, the goal is to reach everybody.

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