All are invited to attend The Red Mass, Saturday evening, October 12, 5:00pm (Vigil Mass), at our magnificent and historic Mother Church, The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, 1695 Central Ave., Memphis.
Bishop David P. Talley, the Sixth Bishop of Memphis will be the Celebrant, and Father Edward R. Horkan, Diocese of Arlington, Virginia, and Chaplain for the national Catholic Bar Association, will be the Homilist. The celebration is being sponsored by the St. Thomas More Catholic Lawyers Guild of West Tennessee, Inc.
About Father Horkan
Ordained to the Priesthood in 2003, Father Edward Horkan is currently assigned to the Diocese of Arlington, Virginia, as Vice-Chancellor and one of the Defenders of the Bond for the Arlington Diocese. Along with working in the Tribunal, since 2023, Father Horkan has been Chaplain for the Saint Thomas More Guild for lawyers in the Diocese of Arlington and the national Catholic Bar Association for all U.S. Diocese.
In Law School, Father Horkan started attending daily Mass. He later joined the Knights of Columbus, taught religious education, and was a member of several Catholic groups. In 1995, while working for a Washington law firm, he started discerning a calling to the Priesthood. In June 2001, Father Horkan earned a bachelor’s degree in sacred theology from the Angelicum in Rome and was ordained a Deacon by Bishop Paul Loverde, the third Bishop of Arlington, Virginia.

Father Horkan earned a Master of Arts in Spiritual Theology from the Angelicum in 2003, with the master’s thesis on Saint Gregory the Great and his theology of how God works through human infirmities. Bishop Loverde ordained Father Horkan to the Priesthood on June 7, 2003.

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