2019 Peter’s Pence Collection

The Peter’s Pence Collection is an opportunity for the Church around the world to stand in solidarity with those who suffer and are marginalized. Our brothers and sisters in Haiti, for example, have faced difficult challenges as they rebuild from the 2010 earthquake and then Hurricane Matthew in 2016. Buildings have been destroyed, and many communities have struggled to rebuild in the wake of these natural disasters.
But your generosity to the collection provides much-needed support for Haiti. Pope Francis calls each of us to “respond with faith and charity” and to see in each person “a human being with a dignity identical to my own, a creature infinitely loved by the Father, an image of God, a brother or sister redeemed by Jesus Christ” (Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate, no. 98). When you support the collection, you affirm the dignity of our brothers and sisters in Haiti and around the world. Your contributions help Pope Francis respond in our name with efforts of mercy and grace.
Please prayerfully consider supporting this collection as an act of mercy and charity. Join our brothers and sisters in faith around the globe to help reach the most marginalized in our world.
The opportunity to be a blessing through the Peter’s Pence Collection is June 29 and June 30.