A Journey of Faith – by Didier Aur
The importance of transparency in the workplace cannot be overstated. I learned this years ago when I first became a school administrator. I quickly learned that being a Catholic School administrator is much more than knowing about curriculum, instruction, and student discipline. It is about being accountable to everyone, leading by example and faith, developing relationships, working with parents, building a development network, hiring the best people possible, creating a great team, and becoming a trustworthy leader.
In order to learn more about leadership, I turned to leadership experts for help. I started reading leadership books by John Maxwell, Jon Gordon, Stephen Covey, Jim Collins, Patrick Lencioni, Joel Manby, and The Arbinger Institute. I listen to Minute with Maxwell every morning when I arrive at St. Ann. Been doing that for years. My favorite leadership books are The Energy Bus and Soup by Jon Gordon and Love Works by Joel Manby.
These leadership gurus have many commonalities in their leadership styles. One of several commonalities that stuck with me was transparency. You have to be transparent in what you do or you are going to do whatever you do all alone with no support. No matter how good your idea, you will be on your own unless you keep your team informed and included on what’s going on. If you want to succeed and do what’s best for the company, you need to be transparent. Transparency creates trust and leads to success.
This brings me to the St. Ann Fall Fest and here’s the transparency part regarding Fall Fest and the school budget. The budget for the the 2019-20 school year is a little less than $1.8 million. Most of the school’s income comes from tuition. But, with 59% of the families receiving financial aid, there’s a pretty big income gap that needs to be filled. The single biggest income gap filler is the St. Ann Fall Fest.
We projected the Fall Fest would make up $50,000 of the school’s income gap. That’s what it did last year, and hope to repeat that this year. We need for Fall Fest to at least make up that gap because that’s what we put in the school’s budget.
When the Fall Fest organizers ask the school families to sell raffle tickets, this is why. When they ask us to sell even more raffle tickets on top of the tickets already sold, this is why. The car raffle was the single biggest ticket item and income producer last year. Period! With the choice of one of two cars this year, we anticipate the car raffle ticket sales to be higher than last year. As of today, we are actually down by about $5,000 on the car raffle. That’s 1,000 $5 raffle tickets less than last year.
If you haven’t purchased car raffle tickets, please consider buying a pack of 10 tickets. We have them in the school office. Come on by.
If you have friends, acquaintances, co-workers, and/or relatives who would like a chance to win a car, please consider selling them tickets.
For more information, call the school office at (901) 386-3328 or visit the Fall Fest website at https://stannfallfest.org/. For more information regarding the car raffle and to purchase raffle tickets online, visit https://stannfallfest.org/home/schedule/raffle/.
If you are unable to purchase raffle tickets, come by this weekend and join us at the best party in Bartlett, TN at the St. Ann Fall Fest.
Thank you for supporting St. Ann Catholic School.
God bless you,
Didier Aur, Principal
St. Ann Catholic School