Jose Gomez awarded the Companions on the Journey Award
On Sunday October 13, Jose Gomez was awarded the Companions on the Journey Award during the 9 AM Mass at St. Joseph Catholic Church. Fr. Tony Romo, SVD pastor, presented the award on behalf of the Diocese of Memphis for his excellent service to the young people of the Diocese of Memphis. Bishop David Talley celebrated the Mass for one of his many visits to the parishes of the Diocese. Diocesan Director for Youth, Campus, and Young Adult Ministry was in attendance to show support for Mr. Gomez’s achievement.
Jose is a dedicated husband and father of three who volunteers his time to serve as a minister to the youth of St. Joseph Parish. In addition to his youth work, Jose also serves on the Parish Council, participates as a member of the planning committee for the Annual Fall Festival, visits patients at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital as a minister to the sick, and is heavily involved in Diocesan Hispanic Ministry efforts.
Of Jose, Fr. Romo says, “He does ministry out of love for the youth, for his faith in Jesus Christ, and in the service of the Kingdom of God. As a pastor, I am so grateful to have him working for the youth ministry in collaboration with me. He is a man I can fully trust and is a blessing to our community and to the Church.”
This award is presented to an adult in recognition of loyal and persevering service to or active leadership in Catholic parish youth ministry. Winners must have served young people for at least 5 years and display a strong commitment to youth ministry and to faithfully living out their Catholic beliefs.
This is the Highest Honor an adult can receive from the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry. He was selected by committee from a pool of candidates nominated by Youth Ministers, Pastors, and Directors of Religious Education.

L to R: Sam Mauck, Director for Youth, Campus, and Young Adult Ministry; Fr. Tony Romo, SVD, Pastor; Gina Gomez, wife; Bishop David Talley; Jose Gomez; Deacon James Calicott; Sister Monica Darrichon, SSpS.