All are invited, and bring your family, friends, and many more to two Ordinations to the Priesthood at the beginning of June. Let’s take a moment to hear from Bishop David P. Talley in the following video about these extraordinary Catholic events:
As Bishop Talley shared in his video, let’s mark our calendars and join…
–Deacon Rolando Perez, Deacon Andrew Raffanti, and Deacon Kacper Wojcieszko for their Ordination to the Priesthood, Saturday morning, June 8, 10:00am, at our magnificent and historic Mother Church, The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, 1695 Central Ave., Memphis. Vespers will take place the night before, Friday evening, June 7, 7:00pm, at The Cathedral.
–Deacon Carlos Angel Salas Sotelo, OP, for his Ordination to the Priesthood, Saturday morning, June 15, 10:00am, at our beautiful and historic St. Peter Catholic Church, 190 Adam Ave., Memphis.
Bishop Talley will be the Celebrant at both Ordinations. Please see the flyers below for a few more details. With less than a month away from their Ordination, let’s keep these four wonderful Deacons in our prayers as they continue to prepare for the Priesthood. A Reception for all will take place after each Holy Mass
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