Eucharistic Adoration Revival Events Featured in The Commercial Appeal

The below article is on the front page of The Commercial Appeal Oct. 12, about our Diocesan Year National Eucharistic Revival Adoration events that are taking place across our Diocese. The Adoration event the Appeal covered was at The Cathedral this past Saturday. All Glory to God! #eucharisticrevival Memphis Catholics Join Nationwide Call to Revive …

Commemorative Christmas Ornaments

Our Catholic Diocese of Memphis 50th Anniversary Christmas Ornament is now on sale through our Diocesan Year National Eucharistic Revival! This beautiful Christmas Collector’s Item is available for $10. To order, email: or text her at: 901-831-5409. Pick-up at the Catholic Center Office (Chancery), 5825 Shelby Oaks Dr., or it can be mailed to …

Our Award-Winning Latest Faith Magazine in Homes Soon

The latest edition of our award-winning Faith West Tennessee Magazine will be in our homes, parishes, missions, schools and businesses soon. It is another outstanding edition sharing informative and interesting articles about our faith, prayers, celebrations, parishioners and more across our Diocese—and the publications includes incredible photography. Here’s our latest edition online: FWTNLatestEdition and all …

Diocesan Year – National Eucharistic Revival Adoration Events

Many Faithful across our Diocese participated in our first Diocesan Year Eucharistic Revival Adoration event at our beautiful St. Mary Catholic Church in Jackson located in our Southeastern Deanery. All are invited to our second and third Diocesan Year National Eucharistic Revival Adoration events this Friday, Oct. 7, 8:00-9:30pm, in Spanish, at our beautiful St. …

Respect Life Month in October

With regard to Respect Life Month in October, Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore and Chairman, USCCB Pro-Life Activities Committee, is encouraging all Catholics to practice “radical solidarity and unconditional love” for pregnant and parenting mothers. In a statement from Sept. 21, Archbishop Lori, called the Supreme Court’s decision in June to overturn Roe vs. …

Sister Thea Bowman’s Journey to Sainthood

A moving documentary on Sister Thea Bowman was released, Sunday, Oct. 2. The film “Going Home Like a Shooting Star: Thea Bowman’s Journey to Sainthood” is airing on ABC affiliate stations, including here in Memphis, Ch. 24/Ch. 30. The film is also being streamed on the Jackson Diocese YouTube Channel at: This beautiful documentary …

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