Bishop Talley Video on Vocations Week and Praying the Novena for Vocations

As National Vocations Awareness Week begins this Sunday, Nov. 7 through Saturday, Nov. 13, please click on the following video link from Bishop Talley about the importance of celebrating and discerning Vocations across our Catholic Diocese of Memphis: BishopTalleyVocations.

Prayers as a Family through the Novena for Vocations…

Priests are immensely important for the life of the Faithful. They bring us the Blessed Sacraments, they preach the truths of our Faith and they lead us closer to God through their example and their Ministry. The Church is in great need of more Holy Priests today. In areas of the country and world where there is a shortage of Priests, their absence is keenly felt and the Faith lives of the people suffer. In our modern world, it is not always easy for men to hear God’s call to the Priesthood or for them to respond to this call with an open heart. Many distractions and worldly allurements can prevent men with a priestly vocation from following God’s call. During National Vocations Awareness Week, let us offer prayers as a Diocesan Family through the Novena for Vocations to the Priesthood that God will call more men to serve Him in the Priesthood, and for the generous response of all whom He calls!

Why Pray the Novena for Vocations…

A Novena is a special form of prayer, where on nine successive days, a prayer is said for some special occasion or intention. The practice of saying novenas is scripturally based, modeled after the nine days of consecutive prayer that the apostles, Blessed Mother, and other followers of Jesus prayed together in the upper room between Jesus’ ascension into heaven and the decent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. Prayed in communion with the saints, novenas often petition the intercession of specially selected saints (our exemplary role models in faithful living). Let us pray together, with the Angels and Saints, for an increase in Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life. Let us also pray for all the Vocations for Holy Marriages in the Church, for Deacons and those that dedicate their lives to Christ in the single life.


·      English: Please click the following link to Pray the Novena for nine days starting Friday, Nov. 5 through Sat., Nov. 13: VocationsNovenaPrayers.

·      Spanish: Please click the following link to pray the Holy Rosary for Vocations all next week: VocationsWeekHolyRosary.

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