Our Catholic Charities of West Tennessee recently re-established its Parish Social Ministry program to be a better resource and partner to neighboring organizations throughout our 21-county service area. Each of the following organizations listed received a $1,000 micro-grant to assist them in being the hands and feet of Christ by funding programs that feed the hungry, cloth the naked and shelter the homeless…
- WE CARE Ministries, Inc.
- Regional Inter-Faith Association (RIFA)
- St. Mary Catholic Church (Jackson) Knights of Columbus 1101 Christmas Partners
- St. Louis Catholic Church Feed My Flock Food Packaging Food Ministry
- St. Alphonsus Catholic Church Food Pantry
- Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church Youth Group
- Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church Fishers of Men
- Ave Maria Food and Clothing Program
- St. Mary Catholic Church/Room in the Inn (Jackson)
- St. Mary’s Catholic Church (Memphis) Soup Kitchen
CCWTN Executive Director Kelley Henderson said, “The heart of our work at Catholic Charities is a call to serve our neighbor. There is no place where this is more evident than in a church where we are sent forth after receiving the Blessed Sacrament each Mass, to Be Love to our neighbor. I hope this new initiative will be a resource for many more ministry partners in the future!”
For more information on how you can #servelove and volunteer with or make a financial contribution to Catholic Charities of West Tennessee, visit: CCWTN or contact the CCWTN office at: 901-722-4700.