To Be One in Flesh Workshop


September 16, 2023    
9:00 am - 3:00 pm


St. Benedict at Auburndale
8250 Varnavas Dr, Cordova, TN, 38016
Map Unavailable

To Be One in Flesh is the Diocesan Marriage Preparation workshop.

Location: St. Benedict at Auburndale

8250 Varnavas Dr, Cordova, TN 38016
Lunch will be included

Cost is $135 per couple (paid in advance, online only)

Click on this link to register:  Marr Prep Workshop

Register and pay at:
(Go to:, select Events and then Marriage Prep Workshop)

This workshop satisfies the diocesan requirement for a Marriage Prep Class. Please check with the priest or deacon who is preparing you for marriage.


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