Holy Week, the final week of Lent and the most Solemn week of the year, began yesterday, March 24, on Palm Sunday with Bishop David P. Talley officially kicking-off the week at our magnificent and historic Mother Church, The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. Holy Week is a time when we gather to remember and participate in the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, let’s take a moment to hear from Bishop Talley about the center of our Liturgical Year.

Chrism Mass and Sacred Triduum
As a reminder, tomorrow, March 26, Chrism Mass will take place with nearly all our Priests at The Cathedral, 7:00pm. All are invited to this joyful Mass. With the renewal of Priestly promises and the blessing and consecration of the Oils, our Bishop, Priests, and Faithful will rejoice in the gift of our Diocese at the Chrism Mass.

Then the Sacred Triduum will take place at most of our churches where we will commemorate the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, March 28, the Passion and death of Christ on Good Friday, March 29, the Resurrection during the Easter Vigil, on Saturday, March 30, and Easter Sunday, March 31.

For specific Mass times, please check Church Bulletins, Facebook, and Websites. Bishop Talley and all our Clergy look forward to seeing everyone at Holy Mass each day.

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