Dear Brothers and Sisters:
We have great news! And in times like ours, great news is always worth sharing! As you know, the Knights of Columbus hosted their 12th Annual Angelo Lucchesi Dinner on July 26 of this year at St. Benedict High School Cafeteria.
I am writing this letter to share with you the incredible success of this fundraiser for the Formation of our Seminarians. More than sixty seven thousand dollars were raised, breaking many records, and more than doubling the amount of money raised in previous years! This success is the fruit of the effort and commitment of our Knights to the cause of the future of our Church, and the enthusiastic promotion and participation of our priests, religious, and the diocesan faithful.
I would like to express my most sincere gratitude and appreciation to the Knights of Columbus Councils for all the effort, time, planning, and commitment towards the Annual Angelo Lucchesi Seminarian Dinner. The funds we get each year from this event are an invaluable blessing that helps us provide our seminarians with the means to get the most out of their academic and spiritual formation.
I also want to thank and congratulate all the organizations and individuals who contributed to this event and made such a success possible: all the Knights of Columbus Councils; the Serra Club of Memphis; the staff of Saint Benedict High School; the caterers and volunteers; the people who donated items for the auction; the auctioneer; and the many wonderful people who attended the dinner.
Your investment of life, talent, and treasure towards the formation of our future priests will surely be a pleasing offering to our Lord. Please share this letter with your parishioners, friends, and neighbors.
May God bless all our efforts with an abundance of vocations to tend to His growing Church in West Tennessee.
Rev. Robert Szczechura, Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Memphis