Erin Haff entered the Dominican Sisters of St. Cecilia on August 15, the Solemnity of the Assumption. Erin worked as a second-grade teacher at St. Paul Catholic School.

Erin entered as a postulant for the Nashville Dominicans. “After a simple entrance ceremony, the postulant begins a year of immersion into the life of her new religious family. She attends all community prayers and practices the monastic customs that are a part of our life. The postulant receives the guidance of the Director of Novices or her assistant, who guide her to grow in virtue and self-knowledge. She learns of the joys and demands of community life. During this year she becomes acquainted with the basics of Dominican spirituality and history, along with the charism of our Congregation. The postulant attends classes at Aquinas College where she studies philosophy and basic Catholic doctrine. Her classes at the Motherhouse include the study of Sacred Scripture, the spiritual life, and Church history. Her afternoons include a period of physical exercise, a house duty, and spiritual reading. Those who let themselves be seized by this love cannot help abandoning everything to follow Him. (Vita Consecrata 18)” The Formation Process – Nashville Dominicans | Nashville Dominicans

Let us pray for Erin and all those discerning the religious life.

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