More than 20,000 served! If you are ever feeling disenchanted with your Tuesday mornings and need to be reminded of the Holy Spirit at work, look no further than the Food Pantry on Tuesdays at our beautiful St. Alphonsus Catholic Church. Located in our Northern Deanery, St. Alphonsus, serving as Tipton County’s only Catholic Church, is home to approximately 230 parishioners from 130 households who all contribute in their own way to the parish’s Food Pantry Ministry. In the last 15 years, St. Alphonsus has served thousands of households solely by the efforts of their own parishioners. However, when COVID-19 hit the country, the ministry took a great hit and leaned upon our Catholic Charities of West Tennessee (CCWTN) for a revival in its work. Since the start of their collaboration with CCWTN in May of 2020, the dedicated members of the St. Alphonsus Food Pantry have now surpassed serving 20,000 people who struggle with food security in Tipton and Lauderdale counties. Please pray for our sisters and brothers in Christ who dedicate every Tuesday morning to this wonderful cause as well as those who might be in need of such service.

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