New Crozier Donated to Celebrate Anniversaries and Honor a Couple


In commemoration of our Diocese’s 50th Anniversary and the 100th Anniversary of our Mother Church (the Cathedral), caring anonymous individuals donated a beautiful, new Crozier. They also provided five new sets of Vestments for the Cathedral. The contribution were all in honor of a wonderful couple Al and Jeanne Cash.


The Crozier is a hooked staff made of metal or carved wood and is often very ornate. It is carried by a Bishop as a symbol of the Pastoral Office. He bears the staff as “shepherd of the flock of God.” The top of the Crozier is curved to remind the Bishop of the shepherd’s crook and of his pastoral care of the people entrusted to him. It is a sign of the Bishop’s need to keep watch over his whole flock, sustaining the weak and faltering, confirming those wavering in faith and leading back the erring ones into the true fold.

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