St. Benedict at Auburndale high school seniors have drive-thru pick up for caps and gowns
With schools closed and graduation ceremonies on hold due to COVID-19, some high school seniors feel like they’re missing out on a milestone year. COVID-19 has cancelled many events with huge gatherings. “The Spring semester did not end like any one envisioned – our Seniors were not able to hold many of the special traditions St. Benedict has to offer for not just the seniors, but also the families. It was very evident by the tears shed on Friday, that our seniors are hurting, their families are hurting and their teachers are hurting as well” says Sondra Morris, principal at SBA.

She just wants to celebrate her students and to make sure they got to experience the ritual of being able to pick up their cap and gown. In order to do that, Morris had a drive-thru pickup on Friday.
“Holding our cap & gown and graduation invitation pick up was one way of reminding our Seniors that we love them, we miss them, and are committed to honoring them for their many achievements of the last four years. We cannot say what that is going to look like at this moment or when it is going to be, but it will happen.
But, I no doubt the SBA Class of 2020 will be shaped by this experience and will use this experience to better themselves, but those around them.”