March 21, 2019 –Students in 1st -4th grades celebrated the Feast Day of St. Joseph on Monday with a beloved SFA tradition – St. Joseph’s Altar and the story of the fava bean. SFA’s special custom has 4th grade students dressed as the Holy Family. They visited classrooms asking for shelter. At each classroom, they were told there was no room for them. Then invited guests and the 4th grade students met in the chapel where students had brought in flowers, fruit, breads, and cookies. Pastor, Reverend Carl Hood blessed the food and then the 4th grade students told guests the origin of St. Joseph’s Altar. Each student selected three food items to eat while the rest of the food and flowers were donated to the Sisters of Charity and the St. Vincent de Paul Food Kitchen. In addition, each child received a fava bean to take home so that they could share the story with their family.