Many thanks to all who assisted in the success of the Diocesan Pro-Life Mass at Holy Rosary Church on the feast of the Annunciation. Thank you to our pastor Father Russ Harbaugh for celebrating Mass last night with Father Richard Cortese, Father Jeo Poulose, Father Robert Ballman (Pastor, St. Alphonsus Church), Father Francis Chiawa (Pastor, St. Augustine Church), Father Carl Gregorich (Associate Pastor, St. Francis of Assisi Church) and Father Gary Lamb (Pastor, St. Mary’s Church), assisted by Deacon Jim McBride. Also in attendance at this Mass were Father Michael Okata (Associate Pastor, St. Louis Church) and Father Cosmas Mabu, Director, Queen of Peace Retreat Center. Thanks to Master of Ceremonies Mark Romer. Thanks to St. Benedict at Auburndale High School Students Lance Jamias and Caroline Armour for being tonight’s altar servers; and Jesse Hollingsworth, Lector, and gift bearers Lexie Gaska and Bri Jones. Thanks to Holy Rosary Church Respect Life Committee members: Paula Witek (Lector), Mairead Deehan (Sacristan), Ed Locks and Grace Kreager (Greeters). Thanks to Sharon Masterson, St. Benedict at Auburndale High School Director of Communications. Thanks to Kim Eggert Trudell and Dr. Trent Zitzelberger for the BEAUTIFUL music. And thanks to Alma Abuelouf and the staff at the Catholic Diocese of Memphis Pastoral Life Ministries. All thanks to Our Blessed Mother for saying “Yes” to becoming the mother of Our Savior Jesus Christ! God bless you all!