St. Andrew the Apostle presents a Pilgrimage to Israel

St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church presents… Pilgrimage to Israel Discovery with Optional 4-Night Jordan Post Tour Extension April 18 – 26, 2020 Hosted by Father Anthony Onyekwe If you are thinking about traveling to Israel or have any questions about the trip or concerns about the safety of traveling in Israel,  Sawyer Shoates, from …

Confirmation at the Cathedral

Eighteen confirmands, including nine Immaculate Conception Cathedral School 8h-graders, received the Sacrament of Confirmation from Bishop J. Terry Steib in the Cathedral on Saturday, April 27. Wearing 3D glasses, Bishop Steib in his homily spoke about seeing life through a perspective using the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Holocaust survivor, Dr. Clark Blatteis spoke to 8th grade students at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic School

April 26, 2019 – Memphian, Dr. Clark Blatteis talked with students about the events leading up to World War II and his family’s experience aboard the St. Louis as they sailed from Germany to Cuba to escape Nazi persecution.  “Seven-year-old Clark and his parents were among the 937 refugees aboard the          …

8th Grade Students at SFA Competed in the 2019 Egg Crash Challenge

April 25, 2019- SFA students were challenged to build a car with only two pieces of paper, four wheels, and two axels. The car had to hold an egg and was tested by sending it down ramps of increasing heights crashing into an obstacle at the bottom. Students’ grades were based on how many trips …

Bishop Talley Presides over Good Friday Celebration of the Passion of the Lord

Following a shortened opening procession conducted in silence, Bishop David P. Talley began the Good Friday celebration of the Passion of Our Lord (pictures below) by making a reverence at the altar and then laying prostrate in a sign of sorrow for Jesus’ death on the cross and humility to the will of God. The …

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