St. Agnes-St. Dominic Students Make Wishes Come True

  Students at St. Agnes Academy-St. Dominic School made wishes come true for one very special little girl when they surprised her during a recent wish granting ceremony.  Six-year-old Abbi and her family arrived at SAA-SDS where Abbi was welcomed by students from Kindergarten through 12th grade. As Abbi made her way through the gym, …

St. Francis Students the Feast Day of St. Joseph

March 21, 2019 –Students in 1st -4th grades celebrated the Feast Day of St. Joseph on Monday with a beloved SFA tradition – St. Joseph’s Altar and the story of the fava bean. SFA’s special custom has 4th grade students dressed as the Holy Family.  They visited classrooms asking for shelter.  At each classroom, they …

SFA 8th Grade Student Wins Memphis PLAY SLAM! 2019

March 18, 2019 – Congratulations to Zoe Vales for winning the first annual Memphis 10-Minute PLAY SLAM! 2019 Competition.  Zoe competed against 34 other young playwrights from Memphis area middle schools. The competition is partnered through the American Alliance for Theatre and Education.  This year’s theme, “Discovering Truth About Ourselves and Others,” challenged local writers …

Bishop Barron: Proclaim the Gospel more boldly in times of crisis

Rome, Italy (CNA) – Bishop Robert Barron said Thursday that rather than becoming hesitant in sharing the Gospel, the Catholic Church should proclaim the truth even more boldly ìduring these times of crisis.î Wounds have got to be addressed and healed. If we just turn the other way or cover that up, that is not …

Bishop David Talley Named as Bishop-Elect of the Catholic Diocese of Memphis By Beth Simkanin

Following the Vatican’s announcement of His Holiness Pope Francis’ appointment of the Most Reverend David P. Talley as the sixth bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Memphis, the Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D., archbishop of the Archdiocese of Louisville and apostolic administrator for the Catholic Diocese of Memphis, introduced Bishop Talley as bishop-elect for …

Bishop Talley Celebrates Ash Wednesday Mass at Cathedral

  A day after he was appointed the next Bishop of the Diocese of Memphis, Bishop David P. Talley celebrated Ash Wednesday Mass at the Cathedral at the 8:30am all-campus Mass for Immaculate Conception Cathedral School students.  The Bishop announced at the beginning of Mass that he would always remember it as his first in …

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